История оптики Angenieux
Неунывающий тюлень вместе с восходящей звездой Джонни запилили захватывающий рассказ об истории копании Angenieux, в котором нашлось место даже космическим миссиям NASA.
Rent Angenieux EZ-2 15-40mm F1.9/T2 (PL Mount)
- Format Super-35
- 15-40mm T2 / f1.9, image coverage up to 30mm diagonal
- Extremely fast T2 across zoom range with no ramping
- Extremely wide coverage with minimal distortion
- Format Full-Frame
- 22-60mm T2 / f1.9, image coverage up to 46mm diagonal
- Extremely fast T2 across zoom range with no ramping
- Extremely wide coverage with minimal distortion
- Format Super-35
- 30-90mm T2 / f1.9, image coverage up to 30mm diagonal
- Extremely fast T2 across zoom range with no ramping
- Lightweight (2,150g / 4.7 pounds)
- Format Full-Frame
- 45-135mm T2 / f1.9, image coverage up to 46mm diagonal
- Extremely fast T2 across zoom range with no ramping
- Lightweight (2,150g / 4.7 pounds)
6000i / per shift
Rent Angenieux EZ-2 22-60mm F1.9/T2 Full-Frame (PL Mount)
- Format Super-35
- 15-40mm T2 / f1.9, image coverage up to 30mm diagonal
- Extremely fast T2 across zoom range with no ramping
- Extremely wide coverage with minimal distortion
- Format Full-Frame
- 22-60mm T2 / f1.9, image coverage up to 46mm diagonal
- Extremely fast T2 across zoom range with no ramping
- Extremely wide coverage with minimal distortion
- Format Super-35
- 30-90mm T2 / f1.9, image coverage up to 30mm diagonal
- Extremely fast T2 across zoom range with no ramping
- Lightweight (2,150g / 4.7 pounds)
- Format Full-Frame
- 45-135mm T2 / f1.9, image coverage up to 46mm diagonal
- Extremely fast T2 across zoom range with no ramping
- Lightweight (2,150g / 4.7 pounds)
7000i / per shift
Rent Angenieux EZ-1 30-90mm f1.9/T2 S35 (PL Mount)
- Format Super-35
- 15-40mm T2 / f1.9, image coverage up to 30mm diagonal
- Extremely fast T2 across zoom range with no ramping
- Extremely wide coverage with minimal distortion
- Format Full-Frame
- 22-60mm T2 / f1.9, image coverage up to 46mm diagonal
- Extremely fast T2 across zoom range with no ramping
- Extremely wide coverage with minimal distortion
- Format Super-35
- 30-90mm T2 / f1.9, image coverage up to 30mm diagonal
- Extremely fast T2 across zoom range with no ramping
- Lightweight (2,150g / 4.7 pounds)
- Format Full-Frame
- 45-135mm T2 / f1.9, image coverage up to 46mm diagonal
- Extremely fast T2 across zoom range with no ramping
- Lightweight (2,150g / 4.7 pounds)
6000i / per shift
Rent Angenieux EZ-1 45-135mm f1.9/T2 Full-Frame (PL Mount)
- Format Super-35
- 15-40mm T2 / f1.9, image coverage up to 30mm diagonal
- Extremely fast T2 across zoom range with no ramping
- Extremely wide coverage with minimal distortion
- Format Full-Frame
- 22-60mm T2 / f1.9, image coverage up to 46mm diagonal
- Extremely fast T2 across zoom range with no ramping
- Extremely wide coverage with minimal distortion
- Format Super-35
- 30-90mm T2 / f1.9, image coverage up to 30mm diagonal
- Extremely fast T2 across zoom range with no ramping
- Lightweight (2,150g / 4.7 pounds)
- Format Full-Frame
- 45-135mm T2 / f1.9, image coverage up to 46mm diagonal
- Extremely fast T2 across zoom range with no ramping
- Lightweight (2,150g / 4.7 pounds)
7000i / per shift