Use of personal data
To become a client of LLC "Rental" and use the services of the company, it is necessary to register on the Site and enter into a lease of movable property. To do this, the user must fill out the registration form, providing LLC "Rental" with their personal data.
By providing its personal data upon registration on the Site, the User grants to LLC "Rental" the consent to use its personal data in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" of July 27, 2006 in various ways for a period until the User withdraws his consent, or in the event of the loss of the need to achieve the purpose of use.
LLC "Rentals" uses personal data as follows: storage, systematization, collection, accumulation, clarification, use, depersonalization, transfer, removal.
The user provides the following information: surname, first name, patronymic, contact phone number, e-mail address, serial number and passport number of the citizen of the Russian Federation, date and body issuing the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, date of birth, registration address, actual address, links to personal pages in social networks, a link to a personal website, a place of work and / or studies, a photo, scans of documents: a passport of the Russian Federation, a foreign passport, TIN, SNILS, driver's license, military ticket.
Personal data is used by LLC "Rental" in order to:
Registration of the User on the Site;
fulfillment of obligations under the lease of movable property;
promotion of the services and / or goods of LLC "Rental" and / or partners of LLC "Rental" on the market by making direct contacts with clients of LLC "Rental" through various means of communication, including, but not limited to, telephone, electronic mail, mailing, on the Internet, etc .;
implementation of rights and legal interests of LLC "Rental";
rendering of other services and for other purposes, if the actions of LLC "Rental" do not contradict the current legislation.
LLC "Rental" undertakes not to disclose the information received from the User. In this case, disclosure of information in the case when the duty of such disclosure is established by the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation is not considered a violation of obligations.
The user has the right to withdraw his consent to use his personal data by writing and submitting the application on paper medium to the representative of LLC "Rental" in the company's head office, located at Kamennoostrovsky pr., House 26-28. In this case, LLC "Rental" automatically terminates its obligations under the contract of movable property and other arisen between the User and LLC "Rental". Personal data of the User will be used until the fulfillment of all obligations of the User to LLC "Rentals" under the contract of movable property and others, and then will be removed.
IMPORTANT! This site uses an SSL certificate, and all data is transmitted over the HTTPS protocol. This is a unique technology necessary to organize a secure connection between the client and the server, which is especially important in the transfer of confidential information and financial transactions.