Rent Rosco Сorrection filters
Rosco Сorrection filters for rent in Saint-Petersburg
- Conversion filters for changing color temperature
- CTO from Full to 1/8
- CTB Full to 1/8
- +/- Green
6 hours
49 i
half shift
1 shift
70 i
3 shift
189 i
63 i / shift
14 shift
784 i
56 i / shift
30 shift
1470 i
49 i / shift
Enter a value between 1 and 60
* selected more than 60 days, discounts are discussed individually.
* 31.12.2021 - day off. In 2022, we begin work on January 3!
* The order of this product is available only for a period of 4 shifts!
Main characteristicsAll characteristics
- Color temperature
- K
- Light flow
- lm
- Filter type
- Correction
- Weight (kg)
- 200 g